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Marriages can suffer more than one form of unfaithfulness

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2020 | Divorce, High Asset Divorce

It is no secret that many marriages end due to a partner’s physical intimacy with someone else. While a rendezvous with an additional sexual partner may be cause for divorce, your significant other could cheat financially as well.

More than 40% of surveyed Americans admit to being dishonest with their partner about money. Through hidden accounts, undisclosed spending habits or additional debt, financial infidelity can weigh heavily on a marriage. Some relationships can withstand secretive financial decisions, but many choose to divorce due to this type of betrayal. 

Potential threats of financial infidelity

Many people seem to overlook things in a marriage, either unconsciously or in effort to keep the peace. Yet, regardless of whether you believe honesty is the best policy, you should be aware of possible red flags warning that your financial situation is not as it seems.

Your spouse could get you in a financial bind by doing what they believe is best. Unfortunately, one risky decision could put your future at risk when you share joint responsibility for your family’s economic situation.

You would be wise to consider whether your spouse is hiding something from you if you notice:

  • Attitude shifts regarding money
  • Unwillingness to share financial information
  • Significant changes in spending habits

You may choose to file for divorce if your marriage cannot withstand financial infidelity. If that is the case, it would be a good idea get professional advice about what steps are available to investigate whether there are additional accounts or additional debts.

Though you may not have been privy to the full financial picture during the marriage, accurate knowledge of what there really is and where it is can help you get the most out of your settlement as you move forward alone.